Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Lets hear it for the underdog!!

Though they are not the most popular of all the vegetables I think that Brussels Sprouts are amazing. I have to admit that I have a thing for vegetables and all green food, so I realize that not everyone is going to share my love of the goofy little lettuce wannabes, but look at them people, don't they look gorgeous?

Also, interesting to note, they are Brussels Sprouts, not Brussel Sprouts. I don't know about everyone else on the planet, but that is news to me. Also the name gives me new insight into the likely birth country of these spherical little wonders.

I have to give Alex all the credit for these beauties. I work late on Tuesday nights so he generally makes dinner, and I have to say tonight he did a bang up job on the Brussels. There was also brown rice, spinach, carrots and bell peppers (see, I told you, were crazy for veggies) and some chicken sausage. Oh! and Simpler Times beer from Trader Joe's, the single best beer you can buy for $2.99 a six pack.

I have to admit, I am stuffed now, and my finger is throbbing. I managed to put a plate on a hot burner and of course got a nasty burn when I tried to grab it back up. All of this time in the kitchen is getting really dangerous, especially for someone like me that is so deeply prone to accidents.

Anyway I am assuming you know how to cook veggies and sausage in a skillet so I won't give you the recipe for that. I will however offer up this one piece of advice: as soon as the skin starts to brown and stick to the skillet a bit adding a splash of water keeps those plump juicy sausages from drying out. As for the rice, we have found that using = parts chicken stock and water as opposed to simply water makes all the difference taste wise.

As for the Brussels sprouts, my lovely cooking prodigy boyfriend adapted a recipe from a Rachel Ray magazine.

Crispy Brussels Sprouts-Originally Crispy Sesame-Crusted Brussels Sprouts, but we had no sesames :(

1/2 lb Brussels sprouts

1 tbs Sesame Oil

1 tbs Olive Oil

Salt and Pepper to Taste
  • Wash Brussels Sprouts and cut in half
  • Heat Sesame and Olive Oil in a large skillet over medium heat
  • Add Brussels sprouts and stir to coat with Oils
  • Season with Salt and pepper and cook (stirring frequently) for about 20 minutes. Make sure that all of the sprouts get cooking time on both sides for maximum crunch.
At this point the recipe calls for sesame seeds, which we were out of, but I bet it would be delicious. Just add them towards the end and let them cook long enough to brown a bit. Nom!

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